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megmount [entity:<entity>] [model:<active_model>] [bone:<bone>] (driver) (passenger) (dismount) (interactable) (damageable)

Mounts the given entity on the given modeled entity, either as a passenger or the driver.

The "bone_name" argument is required if the entity is being mounted as a passenger. It specifies which bone the entity will be mounted on. You can find out mountable bone names by opening the model in Blockbench. More info on this can be found here:

The "dismount" argument is optional, but will dismount the entity if specified. The "interactable" and "damageable" arguments are optional, but make the mount interactable and damageable, respectively.


entityEntityTagyesThe entity that will be mounted on the model.
modelMegActiveModelTagyesThe model to mount the entity to.
boneElementTagyes if entity is not a driverSpecifies which bone the entity will be mounted on. Required only if the entity is being mounted as a passenger.
driverN/Ayes if entity is not a passengerWhether to mount this entity as a driver. Required only if the entity being mounted is not a passenger.
passengerN/Ayes if entity is not a driverWhether to mount this entity as a passenger. Required only if the entity being mounted is not a passenger.
dismountN/AnoWhether to dismount the current mounted entity. This is an optional argument.
interactableN/AnofalseWhether this modeled entity is interactable.
damageableN/AnofalseWhether this modeled entity is damageable.


# Used to add a model to an entity when it spawns.
on meg player interacts with my_vehicle_model:
- megmount entity:<player> model:<context.active_model> driver interactable
# Removes the model from the specified entity.
- megmodel entity:<context.entity> model:my_model remove

See Also